Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kiss Me Again, Restoring Lost Intimacy In Marriage

Kiss Me Again, Restoring Lost Intimacy In Marriage by Barbara Wilson explores the question of why marriage can seem like the end of intimacy and sexual desire instead of the beginning. Ms. Wilson uses her experience counseling and speaking to answer that question.

Following the Biblical principle of bonding through sex Ms. Wilson shows how you bond to each person you have sex with and how the bonds you have formed in the past can be a challenge to your marriage.

Through many personal examples, some of her own and some of the ladies' she has counseled, she covers sexual history issues to help you on the road to healing.

The book is mostly book form but also includes some "workbook" type sections so you can record your own thoughts.

Ms. Wilson has "been there, done that" and speaks from personal experience. She isn't afraid to lay out the details of her past in the hopes of helping her readers heal. There's lot of good information in this book and I recommend anyone struggling with a loss of intimacy in their marriage read it. It is set up as a ten-week study and I like that format. It gives you time to think about what you're reading and work on things a bit at a time.

For more information or to purchase this book you can follow this link:

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.

WaterBrook Mltnomah was also generous enough to provide me with an extra copy that I can send to one lucky winner. For your chance simply leave me comment by October 30 with a way to contact you. Odds of winning will depend on the number of entries. Contest is open to US residents only.


1 comment:

  1. I would love to get entered in the drawing for this giveaway.

