I just finished reading Death Of A Witch by MC Beaton. This is the 25th book in the Hamish Macbeth series. I absolutely love this series and have read most of the books more than two or three times. It's like visiting an old friend.
Hamish is a constable in the remote village of Lochdubh in northern Scotland. He's sort of like Andy Taylor (The Andy Griffith Show). He solves his cases with a combination of intuition, kindness, common sense and a little bit of luck. The familiar cast of characters return - the Currie Sisters, Angela Brodie, Angus the Seer, Mrs. Wellington, Elspeth Grant, Priscilla Halburton-Smythe, Willie Lamont, Jimmy Anderson, Peter Daviot and of course Chief Inspector Blair. And not to be forgotten - Lugs and Sonsie.
The first victim is a woman the villagers claim is a witch. And Hamish had been heard to threaten her. There are plenty of twists and turns - including more murders, extra crime on the side and romance.
As always Hamish hopes against hope that the murderer is not one of his beloved villagers. Will he get his wish this time?
If you have not read this series before each story stands alone although there are references made to cases in the past - as well as the past romances. But it's much better to read number 25 than to feel like you have to start with number one and work your way up. Although I warn you that if you read any of the books you will be looking for the rest.
Now I wait, rather impatiently, for January 2010 when Death Of A Valentine will be released.
Ms. Beaton also has a wonderful series revolving around Agatha Raisin. And she has written a great series called the Edwardian Murder Mystery under the psuedonym Marion Chesney. I have yet to read anything she has written that I didn't thoroughly enjoy.
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