92 Pacific Boulevard by Debbie Macomber is my latest read.
This is the 9th book in the Cedar Cove series. As this is a series the books build on each other so you would want to start with the first book and read forward.
You can follow this link to Debbie's website and see all the Cedar Cove books in the order they were written:
So on to the book. Troy Davis, Cedar Cove's Sheriff, is the "main" character in this book. Each book sort of focuses on one character but also includes the characters from the prior books. We get to hear from Olivia, Grace, Teri and Bobby, Christie, Rachel, Jolene and Bruce, Mac, Mary Jo, Charlotte and all the other great characters.
Troy is trying to straighten out some misunderstandings with Faith and move forward with their lives. But someone has seemingly targeted Faith and as Sheriff, and the man in love with her, it's up to Troy to figure out what's going on. And all the other characters have side stories that will keep you up to date with what's going on in their lives - and drop hints for the next books too. :0)
As in all the other books you feel like these are your friends and neighbors. Debbie makes the small town of Cedar Cove seem like home. And of course you're always left wanting more - at least I am.
This was an excellent read - as evidenced by the fact that it was just released Tuesday and I'm finished with it already. And I can't wait for the next book. I already know who will be the main characters in that one but you can read 92 Pacific Boulevard and figure it out for yourself.