I have been wanting to read this book for some time. Years and years ago I found Ted Dekker while doing a reading circle at my church. I picked up the first book in the Martyr's Song series and was instantly hooked. After that I read Blessed Child and A Man Called Blessed. I thoroughly enjoy reading Mr. Dekker's books.
This one, however, was a bit hard to read in a few places. I sort of likened it to James Patterson - who I really enjoy reading also - but he can get a bit graphic.
This story is about a serial killer who is looking for the perfect daughter. He kidnaps girls and when they fail to live up to his high expectations he kills them - by breaking their bones without breaking their skin. This causes them to bleed to death slowly.
There's a lot of good plot, great characters and a few good twists I really didn't see coming. But there are a few passages where he describes the bone breaking that are very, very graphic.
It's a great book and if you can do as I did and just push through those couple of places it's a good read.